Want to Write for Us? Have a General Question? Get in Touch!
Reach out to us using the links below or the contact form! You can find a FAQ Section at the bottom of the page along with a link to our interest form.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can write for ATRL?
Anyone can write for us! Our team will garner your initial interest, work with you on a topic for your article, edit the article for proper English and grammar and ensure the language is professional, add photos and post it for you!
How often do I have to Write?
As much or as little as you want. You can submit 1-2 articles or write weekly ones. This blog is a platform for you.
What do you require?
We will require you to fill out our interest form, submit your articles on time or at least keep us updated on a timeline, and provide a name and bio for yourself. If you choose, you can include a photo as well!
Can we partner with you?
Sure! Email us at alongtheracingline@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to chat.
Will I get Paid?
Unfortunately not. This platform is created by volunteers and passionate fans of motorsports so while we can’t pay for your submission, we can work with you in other ways.
How can you help me in other ways?
Aside from the publication of your pieces, we can work with you to understand how to include writing for ATRL in your resumes. If you’re a steady writer for us, we will be willing to be listed as a reference on your job applications.
Why should I write for you vs others?
ATRL was created with the focus of helping those interested in a motorsports career gain experience in the field. We allow you to write as many articles as you so choose whereas for other blogs you may only be able to submit 1-2. We do a majority of the heavy lifting for you in terms of marketing and editing, you just need to submit your articles!
How can I help you?
We’re all volunteers with full time jobs or college! Donations are always appreciated but the real help will come from helping us gain exposure by retweeting our Twitter posted (@ATRacingLine) and talking to your friends and family about us!